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CAEYC has become a vital force uniting educators of young children and advocating for political and professional leadership. CAEYC sponsors an annual state conference bringing together providers of service across the state as well as leaders from approximately 28 affiliates and dozens of partner organizations.CAEYC is a nonprofit corporation under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code governed by a statewide Board of Directors, which derives its authority from the CAEYC Bylaws. The State of California Franchise Tax Board grants CAEYC tax-exempt status under Section 237010d of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
We have adopted the Safe. Kind. Clean Enlightened Discipline method by Julie Jenkins Sathe in roder to teach children, early education personnel and parents a simpler way of helping children teach themselves about acceptable behavior. Not because they will get in trouble, not to avoid being bad – but because all people, all children, the world is a better place when we all follow these simple rules.
Safe, Kind and Clean. We just use three key words to teach acceptable behavior. Kids understand it. Adults can let go of the old generations use of guilt and fear. All of us benefit from a simple approach to learning behavioral skills.
Enlightened Discipline is the book and the title of Julie’s workshops for teachers, administrators and in-depth parent enrichment seminars. We can all benefit from reconsidering and simplifying our approach with young children.
Decide to break the chain of your past and learn about the simple and effective approach to teaching children how to guide themselves.
Best of Alameda
For the past several years we have been honored to not only be nominated for Best Preschool/Childcare in Alameda Magazine's but accomplish the title for the category!
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, & 2018